Nilento Records

We provide a professional recording of your ensemble or orchestra for publishing on Nilento Records.
According to your desire we can organize your production from the beginning to a complete pressed CD.
All productions will be in High resolution.

Discography on Naxos Direct

Naxos Direct

Production samples

Some of  the productions released on Nilento Records.
‍Click on the images below in order to listen and read more about the releases.

Chorals & Hymns
Jacob Karlzon - Four Elements
Camilla Voigt & Jaerv
Våra systrar gå i brokiga kläder...
Nordic: A Fragile Hope
På marsch med kvinnliga pionjärer!
Run for the Joy
Vi vill leva, vi vill dö i Göteborg (Orchestral Version)
Göteborgs Jubileumsfanfar
Electric Counterpoint (DA)
The Parting with the Wild Geese
Solo Flute Expressionism
Making Something Out of Nothing
En hyllning till Marinen 500 år
Eternal Spring
Livgardet 500 år
Breaking Waves
Then Svenska Messan HRV 404
Aulin Moberg Andrée Orchestral Works
Rise from the ashes
Lohengrin and Ragtimes
Bach: Tenor Arias
En gnista liv
Vi vill leva, vi vill dö i Göteborg
Leif Strands Requiem
Et in terra pax
Sara med allt sitt väsen - Musik från filmen
Places and Dreams
Seven Songs From The 70s
Jag drömmer om ett land
Debussy: Works for Piano
Signerat Riedel
Med lust & fägring stor
Musik till häst
The Unrecorded Fox
Hion om natten
Kristina Svanberg Plays Claude Debussy Préludes, Vol. 1
Stravinsky: Works for Winds
Tender Land
Point of life
Is Love Alive?
Bach: Dances of Sorrow
Jojjes klassiska barnvisor
Ymna & Nid - Allt för vår ljusa stjärna
Taube - där glädjen, där sången får vingar
Baroque masterpieces for bassoon and harp
It's raining but not now
Ma Yema
Lasse Dahlquist i våra hjärtan
Bevara mig
Hjärtats längtan
Kristina Svanberg - plays Brahms, Chopin, Rachmaninov
Dig har jag kär
Paganini, Niccolò - 24 Caprices


Nilento Studio - more than recording