På marsch med kvinnliga pionjärer!

Marinens Musikkår


October 27, 2023


On the march with female pioneers! - The Royal Swedish Navy BandThe Royal Swedish Navy Band and conductor Alexander Hanson plays marches by female composers only. The Association of Swedish Orchestras has taken the initiative for this record to highlight some of our female pioneers who did not always get the chance to hear their works with a large orchestra. On the album there are marches by Ellen Sandels, Aurora Gyllenhaal, Ika Peyron, Nina Wahlström, Ingeborg von Bronsart, Hildur Broström and Mathilda Gyllenhaal, all of which were directly instrumented for the the Royal Swedish Navy Band and this recording.

Inspelad i / Recorded in
Sparresalen, Karlskrona 22-23 november 2022

Producent / Producer
Lars Nilsson

Inspelningstekniker / Recording Engineer
Joar Hallgren

Editering / Editing
Joar Hallgren & Lars Nilsson

Mixning och mastering / Mixed and Mastered
Lars Nilsson, Nilento Studio, Gothenburg

Projektgrupp / Project group
Walter Brolund, Joakim Berg, Magnus Eriksson, Andreas Wetterlund

Texter / Texts
Magnus Eriksson, Andreas Wetterlund, Per Iko, Joakim Berg

Layout / Layout
Joakim Berg

Illustration framsida / Illustration front page
Shutterstock foto

Nilento Studio - more than recording